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Diekmann, O., Dietz, K., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. (1991):
The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases. Part I: Theoretical considerations. Mathematical Biosciences 107 , 325-339
Dietz, K. (1991):
Modellling the demographic impact of the AIDS epidemic. In: The AIDS Epidemic and its Demographic Consequences. Proceedings of the UN/WHO Workshop on Modelling the Demographic Impact of the AIDS Epidemic in Pattern II Countries: Progress to Date and Policies for the Future New York, 13-15 December 1989 . United Nations Publication ST/ESA/SER.A/119 105-108
Aaby, P., Oesterle, H., Dietz, K., Becker N. (1992):
Case fatality rates in severe measles outbreak in rural Germany in 1861. Lancet 340 , 1172
Jewell, N.P., Dietz, K., Farewell, V. (Eds.) (1992):
AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues . Birkhäuser, Boston, 426pp.
Dietz, K. (1993):
The estimation of the basic reproduction number for infectious diseases. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2 , 23-41
Dietz, K., Heesterbeek, J.A.P., Tudor, D.W. (1993):
The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases. Part 2: Effects of variable HIV infectivity. Mathematical Biosciences 117 , 35-47
Dietz, K., Bacchetti, P., Pagano, M. (Eds.)(1994):
Proceedings of the Conference Quantitative Methods for Studying AIDS, Blaubeuren, Germany, 14-18 June 1993, Statistics in Medicine 13 1899-2187
Dietz, K., Seydel, J., Schwartländer, B. (1994):
Backprojection of German AIDS data using information on dates of tests. Statistics in Medicine 13 , 1991-2008
Greenhalgh, D., Dietz, K. (1994):
Some bounds on estimates for reproductive ratios derived from the age-specific force of infection. Mathematical Biosciences 124 , 9-57
Mode, C.J., Dietz, K. (1994)
On some formulas in a partnership model from the perspective of Semi-Markov processes. Journal of Mathematical Biology 32 , 161-169
Stilianakis, N., Schenzle, D., Dietz, K. (1994):
On the antigenic diversity threshold model for AIDS. Mathematical Biosciences 121 , 235-247
Becker, N.G., Dietz, K. (1995):
The effect of the household distribution on transmission and control of highly infectious diseases. Mathematical Biosciences 127 , 207-219
Becker, N.G., Bahrampour, A., Dietz, K. (1995):
Threshold parameters for epidemics in different community settings. Mathematical Biosciences 129 189-208
Dietz, K. (1995):
Some problems in the theory of infectious diseases transmission and control. In: Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data . D. Mollison (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 3-16
Dietz, K., Heesterbeek, H. (1995):
Some historical aspects of epidemic theory . Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 56 (Contributed Papers, 50th Session), 282-283
Grenfell, B., Dietz, K. Roberts, M. (1995):
Modelling the immuno-epidemiology of macroparasites in naturally-fluctuating host populations. In: Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations . A.P. Dobson and B.T. Grenfell (Eds.), CUP, Cambridge, 362-383
Grenfell, B.T., Wilson, K., Isham, V.S., Boyd, H.E.G., Dietz, K. (1995):
Modelling patterns of parasite aggregation in natural populations: trichostrongylid nematode-ruminant interactions as a case study. Parasitology 111 , S135-151
Sattenspiel, L., Dietz, K. (1995):
A structured epidemic model incorporating geographic mobility among regions. Mathematical Biosciences 128 , 71-91
Becker, N.G., Dietz, K. (1996):
Reproduction numbers and critical immunity levels for epidemics in a community of households. Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series Analysis, Volume I: Applied Probability C.C. Heyde, Yu V. Prohorov, R. Pyke, S.T. Rachev (Eds), Springer, New York, 267-276
Dietz, K. (1996):
Biometric advances in infectious disease epidemiology. In : Advances in Biometry: 50 Years of the International Biometric Society . P. Armitage, and H.A. David (Eds.), Wiley, New York, 319-338
Eichner, M., Dietz, K. (1996):
Eradication of poliomyelitis: When can one be sure that polio virus transmission has been terminated? American Journal of Epidemiology 143 , 816-822
Eichner, M., Hadeler, K.P., Dietz, K. (1996):
Stochastic models for the eradication of poliomyelitis: minimum population size of polio virus persistence. In: Models for Infectious Human Diseases: Their Structure and Relation to Data . V. Isham, and G. Medley (Eds.), CUP, Cambridge, 315-327
Eichner, M., Zehnder, S., Dietz, K. (1996):
An age-structured model for measles vaccination. In: Models for Infectious Human Diseases: Their Structure and Relation to Data . V. Isham, and G. Medley (Eds.), CUP, Cambridge, 38-56
Greenhalgh, D., Dietz, K. (1996):
The effect of different mixing patterns on vaccination programs. In: Models for Infectious Human Diseases: Their Structure and Relation to Data . V. Isham, and G. Medley (Eds.), CUP, Cambridge, 86-89
Heesterbeek, J.A.P., Dietz, K. (1996):
The concept of R 0 in epidemic theory. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 89-110
Tudor, D., Heesterbeek, H., Dietz, K. (1996):
The behavioural differences between susceptibles and infectives with respect to HIV transmission, and their influence on R 0 . In: Models for Infectious Human Diseases: Their Structure and Relation to Data . V. Isham, and G. Medley (Eds.), CUP, Cambridge, 304-307
Dietz, K. (1997):
Epidemics. In: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Updatte. Vol. 2. S. Kotz, C.B. Read, and D.L. Banks (Eds.), Wiley, New York (to appear)
Kretzschmar, M., Dietz, K. (1997):
The effect of pair formation and variable infectivity on the spread of an infection without recovery. Mathematical Biosciences (to appear)
Neumeister, B., Schöniger, S., Faigle, M., Eichner, M., Dietz, K. (1997):
Multiplication of different Legionella species in Mono Mac 6 cells and in Acanthamoeba castellanii. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63, 1219-1224
Stilianakis, N., Dietz, K., Schenzle, D. (1997):
Analysis of a model for the pathogenesis of AIDS. Mathematical Biosciences (to appear)
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